How can I stay positive - consistently?

How can I stay positive - consistently?

We all have bad days 😩🤷

But boy I do used to conjure up one that's toxic!

If I don't get out of bed right after I wake up, I tend to start thinking about all the negative things about my life - past, present and future! I would keep on dwelling on them self-defeating thoughts for hours on end. 

Most of the days these random thoughts would simply ruin my appetite, making me skip breakfast - the most important meal of the day.

I work from home, blogging, so with nobody to watch over my productivity, I tend to let my depressed state wallow me away.

When I sit down to work I tend to get easily distracted by interesting  articles, social media or just listening to music. 

At the end of the day I realize that I had done little work to almost no work all day, I mean not even a single blog post all day! 

This resulted in more added weight to my feelings of inefficiency.

I used to stay up late, hating myself for my incompetence and for not being able to do anything about it. 

There were unpaid bills and I was going nowhere with my life. I was getting buried deep in financial trouble.

I seriously needed help to change my ways.

The choice was was really totally mine! 

I knew that if I did not bring any healthy changes to my behaviour I was pretty much destined to live in regrets.

I had to learn to discipline myself.

How I'm learning to live more effectively today.  

Morning routine:

"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." ~ Leonard Cohen

Early to rise.

I tell myself to get up and go - not to linger on my thoughts! 

For me, one very helpful way to start my day on a positive note is to workout in the morning!

I drink a tall glass of water and get busy with my daily workout.

I alternate my workouts; at home, gym and outdoors. 

Some days I work with free weights like dumbells, barbells and the kettlebell (there are a zillions of youtube videos you can follow plus there are plenty of free apps).

I also do yoga by watching youtubers, again there are hordes of great free videos.

I'm grateful for having the privilege to live in a sunny tropical country - it really does beat the blues. 

Yes, the morning sun together with my workouts does wonders to boost up my mood and energy. 

Not a recommendation for you but ask your doctor what kinds of natural supplements will enhance your health - I take supplements prescribed especially for my body type!


Midday routine: 

"No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying." ~ Tony Robbins

After a hot shower I let it run cold, it's good for my body and mind.

It's breakfast time, after a good workout you can eat really well - keeps you nourished for the day ahead. 

Now I sit down - it's time to start work, blogging.

Writing for like 3-4 hours I still feel energetic - from my morning workout boost, but now it's time for my lunch break.

I usually have a chilled coffee with something light, like a nutritious sandwich or salad - nothing heavy.

I work for like 2 more hours and am done for the day.

Working with no distractions you get so much done.

I listen to some happy tunes or read a novel or checkout all my social apps on my phone for like 30 minutes and I go take a small nap. 

Naps always rejuvenate me. It helps balance my mind and my body to feel relaxed. 


Evening routine: 

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." ~ A. A. Milne

It's time to prepare dinner and while I'm at it I call my family or a friend for just mindless chatter. 

It's always good to network and keep your connections live.

After dinner I usually go for a walk or bike-ride, buy grocery or go window-shopping at the Mall.

Some nights I go out with friends - the main thing is to keep myself busy with fun things to do. 

It helps occupy my mind while they negate the negative stuff further and further away.

I realized that it's very true that talking to yourself with a kind voice set things on a different level. 

I tell myself that I need to be kind to me. I remind myself of how I overcame all my hardships in life. That I have the strength to face new challenges in life.  

That I have come this far on my own and that no matter what happens - I will wake up, get dressed and be doing what I do best and give it the very best I have. 

That I will make mistakes along the way and that it's alright to make mistakes and that's how we learn to live. 

Always remember that your mindset is the only thing holding you back.⁣⁣

We all can unlearn bad habits and establish new ones - just learn to love yourself to live a happier life.



7 Simple Steps To Find Inner Peace

Practical Mindfulness Tips for a Stress-Free Life 

Guide to Wellness: a Step-by-Step Roadmap! 



 #findinnerpeace #PioneeringMaldivesWellness #pamperinmaldives


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