Club Sandwich Recipe - Classic

Club Sandwich Recipe - Classic

Classic Club Sandwich

Nothing beats this rustic Old American Favourite loved the world over. 

I love things the Old fashioned way, Clubs with home-made fries & a bit of coleslaw on the side are just divine. This recipe is quite easy to follow and it doesn't need much time. 

Servings 2
Preparation time 10mins

  • 6 slices white bread (toasted or grilled)
  • 4 slices cooked bacon
  • 4 ounces cooked roasted chicken breast
  • 4 tomato slices
  • 2 slice cheese (swiss or cheddar)
  • 4 lettuce leaves
  • 4 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard


Easy 3 Steps Method


  • Stir together the mayonnaise and mustard in a small bowl.
  • Spread the mayonnaise-mustard mixture evenly on the 6 slices of bread (one side only). 


Place one slice of bread sauce-side up.

Remember, you are making 2 sandwiches - so for each sandwich you need 3 slices of bread. 

Now start topping!

One sandwich at a time - I don't know about you but I suck at multi-tasking!

  • Top with a slice of cheese - with your choice of cheese.
  • Top with 1 slice of chicken.
  • Top with 2 bacon slices.


Hey don't forget about that slice in the middle!!!

Top it sauce-side down. And continue topping.


  • Top with 2 tomato slices.
  • Top with the lettuce leaves.
  • Top with 1 more slice of chicken.
  • Top with the final slice of bread, sauce-side down.


Carefully cut the sandwich into 2 triangles, and stick each triangle with a cocktail pick to hold them toppings in place.

Follow the same steps and quickly whip up the second sandwich!

I usually sprinkle mine with a  bit of salt n pepper before I dig in!

Accompanied with fries, salad & a Coke- it's heavenly!


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