Easy & Simple Skincare Routine ♥

Easy & Simple Skincare Routine ♥

Love your skin and it will love you back♥

While you are out and about your face gets exposed to a host of elements - so much more than meets the eye! 

It's never too late! Taking care of your skin early on can considerably delay signs of aging.

But with all the hordes of beauty products out there advertising and promising you flawless skin, it can seem quite daunting and overwhelming to find the right products for your skin type.

Moreover, most of these products are full of chemicals. And they are quite costly too, not to mention the constant modifications or upgrades - just when you thought you had found the perfect product for your skin type. 

It's be found that naturally beautiful; models, celebs and stunning movie stars  always stick to a simple skin routine that saves time, money and is free from harmful chemicals.

Check out this easy & simple skincare routine.

1. Use a simple nature based daily cleanser. 

Cleanse your skin to remove all built-up grime through the course of the day. Use a gentle cleanser that will not strip your skin off it's natural oils. This makes your skin ready for self-repair while you sleep.

How to: Apply in gentle circular motion, work on oily areas like wings of the nose, chin and forehead.

2. Choose a non-alcohol based soothing toner.

Ideal for minimizing visible pores, tightens your skin as well as hydrate. Toners are great for removing makeup too. 

How to: Add a few drops on a cotton ball or pad, apply gently wiping all over the face and neck - avoiding the eye area.

3. Moisturise. Stick to a Sunscreen between SPF30 and SPF50. 

How to: Moisturise before you apply sunscreen. A water or gel based moisturiser gets absorbed into your skin quicker. Choose one that offers good hydration.

Most Dermatologists recommend using a protective sunscreen over your moisturiser as a must have to combat premature aging caused by UV rays.

Knowing your skin type is important when choosing the perfect sunscreen that suits your face. For instance if you have oily skin using an oil based sunscreen can give you breakouts so instead you need to look for a gel based  one.

4. Facial Scrub/Exfoliate at least once a week 

Again, use one that suits your skin type and ideally nature based, like apricot or elderflower. 

How to: Gently scrub away the impurities and dullness of the skin, in circles with wet fingertips avoiding the delicate eye area.

Scrubbing too often can irritate and strip your skin's natural oils so twice a week should be fine with a 2-3 day gap.

5. A great facepack mask should make your skin feel good.

Ideally go for facepack time right after you are done with your scrubbing.

It's been found to be great for some to apply a facepack mask first thing in the morning on an unwashed face.

Try natural clay based masks or go for natural powders such as sandalwood, rose, almond mixed with fullers earth.

Masks are to be used no more than twice a week.

How to : Moisten your face with a warm face towel or facial tissue before applying the mask. Once it's dry and cracking wipe it away with a warm damp face towel.

Once you are done, wash your face with cold water. Blot dry your face.

You skin will feel happy and tight - but this tightness is normal besides it will make you look more youthful.

To finish it off apply a thin layer of aloe vera on your eye area, face and neck. 



Now your face looks scrubbed and clean, revealing smooth, radiant and clear skin. 

Overuse of cosmetics have been found to cause many a health risks. Especially in cases using strong whitening and bleaching agents which may provide an instant glow that never lasts long.

Remember, always stick to this simple beauty routine and be mindful to use nature based products to stay beautifully youthful for years to come.



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Easy & Simple Skincare Routine ♥

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